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Northwinds Construction

View important updates by Northwinds Construction

Ellington Trade Center

Ellington Trade Center | 110,015 SF Paving and Storm Utilities | Houston, TX

12.22.20 - Crewmen are painting stripes and joint sealing in the NW paving area. Crewmen are also removing existing parking stripes.

12.18.20 - Crews are painting stripes and joint sealing in SE paving area only.

12.07.20 - Crews are dewatering the site, spreading spoils, and loading materials and cleaning equipment. 

11.20.20 - The NE paving pour is underway,

20201120 020704

20201120 070239

20201120 070049

11.14.20 - Storm work continues,

IMG 16

IMG 17

11.11.20 - Crewmen are laying storm,

20201111 164838

20201111 164647


11.10.20 - 

20201110 175846


11.05.20 - Crews began pouring the paving this morning,




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